More attracted place in Sri Lanka - Galle Fort 01

Most Beautiful places in Galle District

Galle is a city located on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka. The Galle District is a place where all the natural beauty is included. Beaches, mountains, forests, waterfalls, rivers,... so it can also be called a small tourist destination.

1. Galle Dutch Fort


The Galle Fort in the Gulf of Galle on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka was first built by the Portuguese in 1588 and later extensively fortified by the Dutch from 1749 to 1649. It is a 43 historical, archeological and architectural heritage monument that has been in existence for over 432 years but still retains its polished appearance due to extensive restoration work carried out by the Department of Archeology of Sri Lanka.

The fort is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A group of cities that exemplify the interplay of European architecture and South Asian traditions from the 16th to the 19th century. 

In the Galle fort area there are some places to visit.

    Galle Light House 

        Galle Lighthouse is a coastal lighthouse located in Galle, Sri Lanka and is operated by the Sri Lanka Ports Authority. This is the oldest light center in Sri Lanka.

    The first lighthouse in Galle was built by the British in 1848. [2] [4] It is a 24.4 m (80 ft) iron lighthouse made of cast iron sheets, imported from England, designed by British architect Alexander Gordon and built by Messrs.

    Ramparts of Galle Fort 

    If you are ready to explore every nook and cranny of the outer walls of Galle Fort, you can follow the 'Fort Walk' which starts from the Fort Historic Clock Tower. Before entering the main entrance, head south into the interior of the fort, until you reach the renovated Dutch Hospital on the west side of the Dutch Reformed Church. 

    From there head south towards the famous Galle Lighthouse before following the walls to Meeran Church, Flagstaff and Triton Bastian.

   The walk ends at Star Bastian on the north coast towards Hikkaduwa. The walk is about 2 km and the temperature is more manageable in the morning or afternoon. The sun in Galle is a mess!

Enjoy the Sunset from Galle Fort Wall

     Many people love to enjoy sunset. When you come to Galle fort you can enjoy the sunset very clearly. 
        Galle Fort is the No. 1 place in the world and I still watch the sunset. I will never forget to see this beautiful place every time I go there. My favorite is to sit in the old Dutch fort from 5pm to 7pm and enjoy the breathtaking view. The sea view, the beach, the colors, the Rumasala mountain, the harbor, the Dutch fort, the cricket field, the city, everything you can see at the same time that you can't get anywhere in the world. If you come to the south do not miss this place.

Superb Street Food Experience
Street food consists of prepared food or drink sold by a vendor or vendor on a street or other public place, such as a shop or market. It is often sold in a portable food stall, [1] food cart or food truck and is intended for instant consumption. Some street foods are regional, but many extend beyond their origins. Many street foods are classified as finger food and fast food and are cheaper than restaurant food.
    In Galle Fort you can taste many of street foods. Such as spicy fruit pickles, juices, wade,...
    So, don't miss it too.

Souvenir Markets  

       A souvenir, a memento, a token or a symbol of memory is an object that the owner acquires for the memories that accompany it. A souvenir is any item that a traveler can collect, buy and take home as a souvenir.
    So, when you visit Galle Fort, you can find many souvenir markets to buy a valuable and beautiful memento. If you need more information about it please put a comment and I will accept it. 

Another part will upload soon.


